Vana Tallinn Glögi is an enchanting hot beverage for the winter season. It is an aromatic glögg, in which quality red wine is carefully mixed with the classical Vana Tallinn liqueur and spices. It is a perfect drink on a cold winter’s night and during the cheerful festive period.
Vana Tallinn Glögi has a spicy red wine aroma with warm spices and a hint of rum. The unmistakable taste of glogg is enhanced with a bit of classic Vana Tallinn. You can feel the beautiful combination of cinnamon, anise, vanilla and citrus.
Serveerida kuumutatult lisades rosinaid, pähkleid, mandleid, kaneelipulkasid ja miks mitte ka üks apelsiniviil. Suurepärane soojendav jook jõulumaiuste kõrvale või mõne tummisema šokolaadikoogiga.